
“A cocktail is only as good as the ingredients you use.”

With that mantra, we strive towards using the best ingredients at our disposal. We love finding adventurous flavours and ingredients, purchased as directly as possible to make sure the money goes to whom it belongs, the farmers.

Origin & Organic

Our pursuit of flavours starts with the ingredients we use.

Today, we have more than 150 suppliers from 50+ countries. We apply a common sense approach, making sure that the relationship between the distance an ingredient has travelled and its impact is in balance. Continental Europe has many things to offer such as sugar, fruits and herbs, in addition working with freezing, drying and dehydrating ingredients to preserve our way through seasons. However, not everything can be cultivated regionally like guava fruits, cardamom pods or milky oolong tea. When we have exotic and extraordinary ingredients like these we are happy to buy them from every corner of the world, making sure that the impact they impart match the distance travelled.

Where ingredients are grown, how they are cultivated, harvested, processed and packed all play into the flavour and aroma of that ingredient. We do not have a religious attachment to organic production, so while a vast majority of our products are organic, we choose to make some that are not, due to the incredible origin or ingredient of the product. In some parts of the world, organic certification can be very economically unattainable for farmers, but so are the chemicals; certification proves they are not allowed to use.

Ingredients in our Production Philosophy

Since the inception of A Verre, it has always been a part of the philosophy to get maximum aromatic output from small biomass. In order for this to succeed, our ingredients need to be of the highest quality.

We have one very clear goal in terms of ingredients; we want to buy straight from the farmers, or from exporters that buy directly, thus never having a value chain longer than 2 links. This enables us to cooperate with farmers prioritizing flavour over volume. We are always thrilled to receive ingredient samples expanding our network of farmers, paying a premium for quality.

If you have something we should try, please reach out to Johanna